Electric Immersion Heater Sizing Calculator


A #numberformat(btuh,9999.99)# kW electric immersion heater required for heatup specification.

For maintaining process bath temperature, a #numberformat(hop,9999.99)# kW electric immersion heater is required.

In terms of kWs of electric heater capacity required, here is a breakdown of each component of operational heat loss covered by this analysis:
  • Surface: #numberformat((hl1+hl3)/3412,9999.99)#
  • Walls: #numberformat(hl2/3412,9999.99)#
  • Parts: #numberformat(hl4/3412,9999.99)#
  • Dragin: #numberformat(hl5/3412,9999.99)#
Some items not considered by this analysis:
  • The difference in the specific heat of various parts and racks (0.1 is used which is a fair estimate for most metals. Plastics have a higher specific heat).
  • Air agitation. Air agitation will increase heat loss.
  • Fouling of the heater.
  • Solution additions (can be added to the drag-in number).

Additional resource: How To Choose an Electric Immersion Heater



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