Historical Articles

June, 1952 issue of Plating




WE HAVE Industrial Finishing Expositions because we think of them as powerful means for the dissemination of the most practical kind of information and because they are wonderful publicity for both the metal finishing industry as a whole and for the American Electroplaters’ Society.

It was with these thoughts in mind that a small Detroit Branch group, including George Nankervis, the late Carl E. Heussner, Herberth Head, and Edward Berry, conceived and carried through to a spectacularly successful conclusion the first of our large scale expositions, held in 1947 in Detroit.

It is characteristic of the Society and of the industry that despite the worrisome struggling with the many problems such a large effort is sure to entail, these men contributed their services without thought of personal gain. The Detroit show was planned to make money and did, income in excess of expense passed to the Society’s national treasury, there to be held until used to further the basic interests of the Society and of the industry.

The Newark Branch exposition committee headed by George Wagner and the late Horace Smith gave us a second show in 1948 in Atlantic City. Now, after a planned lapse of four years, but with unchanged purpose, the Chicago Exposition Committee, headed by Clyde Kelly and Herberth Head, with the aid of others, has completed arrangements for our third and largest Industrial Finishing Exposition.

We are proud and happy to present this show as a part of our 39th Annual Convention program, scheduled for the four convention days starting June 16, in Chicago. For you, in Chicago’s International Amphitheatre, more than 125 companies will display everything in our field that is up to the minute in products, apparatus, equipment and services. More than 125 brand-new items will be shown. For you, at a total cost estimated to be about $500,000, close to 1,000 specialists will stand by to demonstrate and to discuss exhibits valued in excess of $3,000,000. We deeply appreciate the cooperation accorded us by the many companies participating to the end that this exposition will be the most complete yet assembled for the plater and for those interested in the allied arts. Your presence is all that is needed to insure success.

If the exposition idea is to endure, benefits must be mutual. The exhibitor, too, is entitled to gain: See his presentation and hear his story. That is all he asks, thriving in the air of free competition that makes our country great, he is willing to be judged on merit—and, perhaps unexpectedly, you may hit upon the answer to that problem that has been troubling you.

Cleve Nixon



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