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Enter key word(s) or phrases here: (Example: If you enter immersion gold in the first box, only precise matches of the phrase immersion gold will be returned. If immersion is entered in the first box and gold in the second, any match of both words will be returned, assuming AND is selected.)


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Combine key word using: Select AND to narrow the result set to those articles containing all of the words or phrases entered on each of the 4 boxes. OR will widen the result set to articles containing any of the words or phrases entered. Entering words in seperate boxes can aid in including articles when precise usage may vary. For example: closed-loop as an entry yields about half as many relevant hits as closed on one line and loop on the next. This is due to the various usages (with and without a hyphen, for example) that show up in the abstracts.

Search for: Any occurrence of entries, the default, means that an entry of chrom will return matches of chromium, chrome and chromating. If Entries are complete words is selected a more restricted result set is returned: Only the precise word or phrase when surrounded by spaces or punctuation will result in a match. With Entries are complete words selected, chrom will result in no hits.



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