Historical Articles

June, 1952 issue of Plating


Washington Orders

Copies of NPA orders and publications may be obtained from National Production Authority, Washington 25. D. C., or from any of its local offices.

Automobile Passenger Tar Meeting—On April 17 at a meeting of the group the Conservation Task Group’s recommendation that the use of nickel be eliminated in intake valves but continued in exhaust valves was, reported along with the proposed elimination of nickel plating from bumpers and bumper guards.

Cobalt—Schedule 2 issued May 7 extends M-80 to include cobalt compounds produced from ores, metal concentrates, and refinery residues, in the definition of cobalt.

Consumer Durable Goods—The first three groups of materials listed under M-47 B’s schedule may be combined into one large group according to the amendment issued April 15. This will permit multiline manufacturers to gear their production to changing sales trends. Dir. 1 issued April 28, states allotments of controlled materials granted a manufacturer under M-47 B to make a new: item may not be used for something else.

Grinding, Polishing and Bung Machines—These, as well as other machinery under Exhibit A, are covered by a numerical preference list amending M-41 to govern the priority of delivery to defense contractors dated April 18.

Nickel Andes—CPR 138, issued April 21, 1952, establishes ceiling prices for nickel anodes and for the service of converting or manufacturing any such commodity from materials owned by another person.

Rubber—An Amendment of April 21 provides further easement in the use of natural rubber and continues the prohibition of private importation of natural rubber until June 30, 1952.

Stainless steel, Nickel bearing—Schedule 3 (Order M-64), of April 3, states the subject material in excess of 500 pounds may not be sold by any steel distributor to a customer unless an AMC order covers the material.

Columbium and Tantalum—According to Schedule 5 to M-80, users of low carbon (0.03 maximum) austeritic stainless steels or austeritic steels stabilized with columbium, tantalum or titanium are permitted to employ columbium welding rods for welding such steel.



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