Historical Articles

Plating, May 1952


Washington Orders

Copes of NPA orders and publications may be obtained from National Production Authority, Washington 25, D. C., or from any of it local offices.

Aluminum sulfate.—This compound was removed from inventory control on April 2 by amendment of NPA Regulation 1.

Chlorinated solvents.—Trichlorethylene perchlorethylene and carbon tetrachloride were removed from inventory control by amendment of NPA Regulation 1 on April 2.

Considerable expansion of production of these solvents is now being planned.

Copper.—According to the NPA, the supply of refined copper reached a new low during February and March, 1952. and was expected to be still lower in April. The slack, however, was taken up by increased flow of scrap.

During 1950 and 1951, the supply of new refined copper in short tons was as follows:

Produced domestically
Produced from foreign ores and concentrates

Disaster-area priority aid.—An amendment of Revised CMP Regulation 6, Direction 2, of March 27 provided the means for getting materials needed in the reconstruction or repair of buildings (except those for recreation, entertainment and amusement ).

Extension of ratings to “B” products.—Through Amendment 3 to CMP Regulation 1 and by amendment of CMP Regulation 3, defense-order priority ratings identified by the CMP symbols A, B, C, E and Z-2 may now be passed down through the entire chain of procurement, and become mandatory on March 31. This extension is accomplished by suffixing a B-5 symbol.

Grinding, polishing and buffing machines.—These, as well as all other machinery in Exhibit A of Order M-41, must now be given only a prescribed amount of surface finishing, according to a new Order M-104, dated April 9. The purpose is to save man hours and speed deliveries.

Hydrogen peroxide.—This chemical was removed from inventory control on April by amendment to NPA Regulation 1.

Nickel.—This nickel-supply situation is not improving to any great extent, although nickel anodes are in slightly better supply, according to a statement made by NPA officials in April.

Plastics.—Plastic-type nylon, polyvinyl, chloride copolymer resins and styrene were removed from inventory control by amendment of NPA Regulation 1 on April 2.

Rubber.—An amendment of March 26 provided for further easement in the use of rubber and in the importation of natural rubber.

Tin.—Order M-8 was amended on April 9 to require more exact certifications concerning the permitted uses and the sale, delivery, purchase or acceptance of tin. The NPA Tin Section has pointed out that users of 6,000 lb of tin per month or less are still limited to a quarterly use of 90 per cent of the base-period quarterly consumption.

Zinc.—Primary zinc producers stated on April 9 that the supply of primary and secondary zinc, from both domestic and foreign sources, will be 969,000 tons in 1952, with an estimated consumption of 933,000 tons.




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